On Saturday I attended the 2008 edition of the Cincinnati Contest and Swap Meet. Again hosted at Scarlet Oaks in Sharonville, the show was slightly smaller then the 2007 edition, but it was still great fun. Well done Cincinnati guys and I enjoyed the tie-dye "uniforms." I look forward to next year. Here are a few aircraft that caught my eye.
One of my favorites at the show was this 1/72 EF-111:

Two nice 1/72 Mustang racers:

I'm not a -109 fan, but I did like this little two seat Avia:

It is not often you see a built up Azur Cierva autogyro on the table:

A nice 1/72 Westland Whirlwind:

Wow, a vacuform Argosy:

Two nice 1/48 T-28s on the table:

Another nice 1/48 trainer was this Monogram SNJ:

A nice 1/48 scale Spitfire in a unique scheme:

I don't build 1/32, but I'm always tempted by the 1/32 Trumpeter kit:
Me really likes the sparkvark!
Looks like it wasa good show. With all the show pics being posted, it must be that season.
Duane (in Calgary)
Good to see you at the show. Get to building and maybe we will see each other at Indy in the spring. I liked your P-51.
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